Our Family  Story        
     June 13th, 1984 My Great Grandmother Lottie was diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia. She lived with this horrible condition for 7 years and 7 months and died broke in a Medicaid Bed after spending 100% of her money (a small fortune).  After her death my dad pledged that he would never let that happen to another one of his clients. You see my great grandma Lottie was his client and my dad was her financial advisor. Over the next 30 plus years he kept that promise by helping over 13,000 families pay for their loved one's care without worry of running out of money. I’m happy to continue this commitment to all families dealing with a loved one currently in need of care or simply wishing to plan for the future. My goal is to help you never have another sleepless night worrying about if your loved one will run out of money paying for care. Over the last decade, I’ve done this by educating attorneys, financial advisors, senior care providers, and families on how our Care Income for Life Roadmap can help families sleep well at night knowing their loved ones will never run out of money paying for care. Click below to request a free copy of my book titled "Paying for Care In Retirement" where we explore some of the innovative financial solutions that can make a difference in your life.

I would be honored to help you and your family.

-Ryan Quante
Founder and Certified Long-Term Care Specialist